Concept Development | User Experience | Branding
Theme parks are a staple for those seeking thrills and excitement. A crucial part of a theme park's success lay in the name: it's theme. What if there was a theme park based around not only the future, but had dedicated spaces for innovation to help?
Understanding the Experience
Building an experience for a theme park from the ground up can be a daunting thing to approach, so I wanted to begin my process by zooming all the way out. I did this by creating a concept map that included everything a Futurescape guest could expect to encounter
Ideal Archetypes
The Fun dad is always looking to entertain their children, and wants them to experience new things, partially because he does. They have always had an eye on the future, and wants to pass that value to his children.
The Adrenaline Junkie has one thing on their mind: their next heart-stopping moment. They are frequent visitors to theme parks and feel a sense of community while in line for a ride.
Component Based Building
To maintain consistency and efficiency, I used Figma components to build clusters of information that can be easily implemented, while also allowing for variants and widespread editing. 
AI Imagery
As part of Futurescape's advertising strategy, I chose to utilize AI generated imagery to visualize the irony of a concept for an amusement park that also is a hub of innovation and invention. 
Upon entry, guests will be greeted with interactive kiosks that can be used to create custom routes that can then be loaded to wearable devices distributed by Futurescape.
While experiencing the thrills of an amusement park, guests are also greeted with opportunities to participate in different live experiments. Innovators performing experiments near queues for rides allow for guests to give their input on the project, giving them the chance to be a part of the innovation!  
After a day at the parks, guests will be looking for food an merchandise, where their wearable device can shine. Among other functions, the wearable devices allow guests to pay by tapping their wrists at the register, allowing for a more efficient retail experience. 
Futurescape constantly has a revolving door of new innovations, but understands that guests are most interested in the projects they witnessed live during their visit. Futurescape allows guests to subscribe to innovation updates after their visits to stay in the loop. 

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